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Monday, July 13, 2009

Week One complete ....

Yes I have met with the dietitian and have a rough idea of what I need to do so I have officially completed my first week following my meal plan as outlined by the dietitian.

Watching my carbs ~ did you know that basically everything (other than meat & some fats) has carbs???? I honestly didn't realize this basic fact that is most likely (which means I was taught this information) taught in a basic health class at school. So anyway to watch my carbs is actually balancing the amount of carbs I eat at each meal and in doing so it basically levels out the way my body has to work throughout the day. I have to say it makes me pause & stop to think before I eat about what I am chosing to feed my body as a source of fuel.
After following the basic meal plan (I chose all my foods from everything available to eat ~ I just make sure I don't consume more carbs at each meal & snack time then advised)... I have lost 6 pounds so far.
The other important key to this is I have to exercise ~ oops pardon me the new "word" is Activity. Increase your activity level in order to lose weight. Besides the dietitian telling me this at least 4 different books that I've been reading through states that increasing your activity is absolutely necessary. The number one recommended activity is walking.
So this past week I have worked hard at doing the walk away the pounds dvd workout for the one mile (hey must build up to the two mile) ... and I admit I groan & moan all throughout it but I Do It anyway.

Okay I'll share more later ... it's time to go walk away the pounds!!!
Have a nice & active day :)