I don’t know and I doubt I will ever really understand why I get into these ‘moods’. But here goes I’ll be “expressing” some things I’ve been “pondering” on lately. Hope it’s not too boring for ya
The other day at book group at the library (it’s a book discussion group) ~ one of the ladies who attends regularly mentioned that it’s hard to cook when you’re alone. It got me thinking just how easy it is to take our spouse for granted. I really do love my hubby and appreciate having him in my life. And I feel badly for my mother in law & my mom who are living "alone" and my prayer is that they will find life not so lonely. Another member of the group mentioned that she believes her life is “boring” not necessarily
“her life” as in the fact that she lives but there isn’t anything interesting to “report” for her “story”
(we all have a “story” of our lives” after all) … and yet I understood her even if I didn’t agree with her simply because that is how I once felt about my own life. I used to think that all I was doing was living day to day and excitement wasn’t really a part of my life. But then I woke up one day & realized that excitement is different for everyone. What excites you? Well when I started to think about what excites me I discovered that I am a very basic, down to earth woman. It really doesn’t take much to “excite” me!!! I like seeing the sky as I drive from point a to point b … yeah I really do just love to see the sky in all it’s many glorious looks … I don’t have to be going farther than my home to my son’s house and I can be so thrilled to see Gods handiwork in the view I’ve got right in front of me on the drive.
Another thing I do love is whenever I’ve had the opportunity to travel. I realize there is often a lot of stress involved with traveling however that doesn’t hinder my enjoyment (or at least not for long
our granddaughter asked me recently, “Grandma, why do you like to travel?” And I told her I always have liked seeing new places. And I am sure I always will.
So boring, maybe, by someone else’s standards but actually I’d rather be “boring” than miserable trying to live up to someone else’s idea of exciting!!!
While I’m thinking about all of this my hope is that no matter where I am, no matter what I may find myself doing ultimately I want to be where God wants me doing what God has placed before me to do.
After all I’m not of this world I’m just passing through on my journey ‘home’ to my heavenly home! So staying busy may be one way to look at things but ultimately I want to be busy with being a witness for Christ. Not just busy passing time ~ what a waste that would be if I managed to remain ‘busy’ and no one ever knew I belonged to HIM, and my hearts’ desire was for everyone I’ve encountered whether in person or via the internet would have the opportunity to know that He is my reason for being. And my purpose is to Praise & Glorify His name! Dear Lord, let all who stumble upon my blog have a true encounter with YOU. Life changing. Soul saving.
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