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Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving behind us & Christmas ahead ....

I hope if you celebrated Thanksgiving that you were with those you love & enjoyed a wonderful meal together. I know we have been blessed. Our son has hosted the holiday meals for a few years now. Our daughter in love is a blessing to our family. They certainly have the gift of hospitality.

It is a time for reflection and thought. Some times this reflective thought process can be pretty decent other times it can be distressing. Today I was thinking about how we communicate with one another. How the words we speak may be heard & yet misunderstood. They can be spoken and yet go unheard. They can be meant with love and full of good intentions & yet received as judgement or belittling or out right criticism. A lot of communication is unspoken so you need to tune into the body language as well as the spoken words. But when someone is screaming at you and you know that they are expressing themselves with a lot of anger how do you respond in the least harmful way? How do you get your true intentions across to them and restore peace? Or can you restore peace?

What if you decide you don't want to restore peace? What if you are tired of the miscommunication and the nonsense that goes with it? What if you just are too tired to be bothered with making the effort to restore peace with those you love and yet can let them be in their own world until the day they wake up realizing that they let you go when they should have been making peace with you instead? I've had these kinds of conversations ... the ones where ugly, angry words are spoken in haste and some that weren't so hasty but were just as ugly & angry. I don't care for these conversations. In fact I really find them disappointing. Especially my part in them when I have been the one misunderstood. But still there comes a time in life when you just get tired of the pain they cause.

I recall vividly the time I had this type of conversation with my dad, (God Bless him may he rest in peace) it was sad ~ really, horribly sad. We did make up of course. But too many families go through times like this. Where someone feels like they aren't being heard and then the holidays arrive with all the "warmth & good cheer" messages and some people handle them well while others scream to be heard for a change. Is that how you feel? Do you know someone who feels this way? Any suggestions for improving your communication skills? I know that some people recognize their problems and work on fixing them. I also know some people just remain quiet while they seethe inside. (not healthy at all) And I know that some people will respond if they were yelled at and still others may start the fight just so they can 'break the tension'.
So what does all this have to do with crocheting or happy holidays? What will all this "reflective" thinking do for anyone?
Most likely nothing at all. In the off chance it helps you drop me a comment to let me know. My hope is that we all learn how to be heard and understood at the same time. Especially when we are communicating with our loved ones. If you think before you speak & realize that what you are about to speak will cause more harm than good by all means "bite your tongue" and keep those ugly thoughts to yourself!!!

Okay so I'm going to relax and crochet a while. See where my thoughts take me tonight. I hope everyone had a wonderful & very happy thanksgiving yesterday, anyone shopping on "black Friday" I hope you got all the best sales for what you needed/ wanted to purchase.
May you all have a great weekend with frog free projects! Stay warm if it's cold where you live and stay cool if it's hot where you live :)

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