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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day stories ....

One of the blogs I follow along is The Diaper Diaries http://thediaperdiaries.net/ and she described her "labors & deliveries" then asked for her readers to play along & give the scoop on how their labor & deliveries went (all in honor of Labor day so sorry this is late) ...
My children now 29 1/2, 27 1/2, & 25 1/2 yrs of age : their stories in a nutshell:
A- water broke, went to hospital, no physical signs of labor Dr. asked the nurse to "check" and see if my water really broke! Sat up on the bed (was told I would need to take a walk) and a gush of fluids escaped ~Yep her water really did break... an hour later labor pains showed up, 4 hours later our first born arrived!
Dr. in the delivery room following the birth : do you have any other children? me- no I'd remember if I ever did this before! Dr. - it was such a short labor, that is usually found in women who have had at least one child before. (so you see he was born at a hospital and delivered by a doctor) as for drugs ... something called a caudal block (spelling?) and it basically was like Novocaine to either side of the cervix...

S- water broke, went to hospital ... however after an exam Dr. discovered I had a full bag of water so determined I must have had a sac on the bag of water that broke ... c. block given & worn off just before delivery so my sweetheart was born au natural as they say, she arrived just 6 hours after the sac of water broke. Doctor did threaten to use forceps however I didn't want them used so had to find the strength to push harder... managed to do so and was much happier that she was delivered without the use of forceps.

J- woke up in middle of night to go to the bathroom, while sitting there groggily noticed my stomach tighten up & then relax ... thought I was dreaming... saw it do this again and in a short period of time yet again.... yes painless contractions were taking place. Called the doctor and he said get to the hospital ... arrived at the hospital and within 2 hours delivered my last child. Did have the same c. block and no "prep" work done on me as the nurses said they had no desire to have the baby arrive in the toilet ... back labor with this delivery.
Same doctor delivered all 3 (he was our family doctor not a gyn he took care of my children after their births also, as well as my care)

Hope you have pleasant memories of your "labor days" and go to the diaper diairies to play along :)

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