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Friday, December 12, 2008

Ice Storm Hits close to home...

Thank God we are very fortunate! All last night we heard the sound of cracking branches & trees as they came crashing down all around us. At one point my husband (who tends to be a light sleeper) jumped up & said he couldn't see if the tree that just crashed down hit his car (oh woe to have only a one car garage for a two car family). Of course it's so dark outside you can see that something had fallen & it was so close to the car that it certainly could have landed on the car & you wouldn't know until daylight.
As dawn arrived and the sky started to lighten up so we could see more out of our windows (mind you still no incentive to clean my windows) and there seems to be lots of branches down all over. Not just in our yard but in some of our neighbors yards as well.
So of course that is not all one sees when looking out at the yard. Everything is coated in ice. Even the grass blades are ice coated. The tree branches look so different when coated in ice.
Everything shines and glimmers and yet in spite of how pretty it may seem the danger is very real. Now that things are calming down the aftermath is still being dealt with. Downed power lines, downed trees and branches and those that are falling still due to wind or finally the weight of the ice topped with snow taking it's toll.

We were very fortunate. Our power did go off but came back on fairly quickly considering how many people are still without their power. And although branches and a tree have fallen they have managed not to damage our property (so far & God willing it will remain that way)... I express my prayers for those who ended up with property damage due to this storm.

On to crocheting so of my day away. Wishing you all everything you have need of and may you find this time of year full of joy, peace & goodwill towards all men!

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