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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Getting ready for a sleep over ....

Yes you read that correctly ... we will be enjoying our granddaughter this weekend over night. Here in our home. I know what you're thinking ... how in the world can that child sleep over when she doesn't even have room for anyone to sit down. True. Your question is valid. That is why I actually emptied the huge box of stuff that was taking up the majority of my living room floor. Need to clear the floor so that we can inflate the air mattresses so she has a bed to sleep on. Which meant the loveseat had to be cleared off also so that before we set up the bed she will have a place to sit & play. I had mainly pattern magazines and some yarn and some odds & ends in the box I've been slowly removing the items from the floor since Monday. And today I hope to finish with the rest that remains on the floor. (Yes empting the box meant putting everything on the floor... how do you empty a box?)

As for the sleep study ... I want my machine & I hope they don't take a full 2 weeks to call me about it. First off it was a very strange feeling to have to breathe through my nose & keep my mouth shut while falling asleep. But with this continuous positive air pressure I was able to fall asleep. I felt good until I opened my mouth (I believe I rolled onto my back & my mouth opened) ... I felt like I was fighting with the mask in order to breathe. The technician came & put a chin strap on me so I settled back down and don't know how long it took me to really fall asleep. I felt as if my brain was seriously awake. But I know I had to have fallen asleep at some point in time becasue I remember waking up and laying still trying to go back to sleep before my being awake could ruin the test results. No sense of time though since there is no clock in the room and my cell phone was out of reach. But it wasn't all that long before I heard," it's time to get up I'll be right in." When he came in the room I asked what time is it & was really surprised to hear 5:30. My brain felt so awake / alert I didn't know what to think. I felt like I didn't sleep all night but couldn't have since my brain was so alert. The first time I felt like that in years.
All he did tell me was that I did sleep, and I did snore and that I would be contacted within 2 weeks with my test results & to get me set up with my own machine.
Left there & felt incredible. Looked horrible as my husband said you better go get some rest you look tired. But I didn't feel like I needed to sleep until about 4 in the after noon. (Trust me that is not normal for me at all!) I think if you need these machines they should be prepared to send you home with one right from the study. But Noooooo that would be too easy. So Sat. I felt great but then comes Sat. night & needing to get to sleep for Sunday. I couldn't sleep. I was up every hour and just couldn't settle down for the night. Woke up exhausted. Tired all day. And every day since then is just a reminder of how much I want this machine. I don't care how uncomfortable it can be. I don't care if my face looks like it's been run over due to the straps digging into my skin. I just know I want to feel like I did on the morning of my test ~ awake & very alert.

Bethany's scarf finished & delivered. Scarf for Kathleen (to match the beret) started & frogged. Should have know immediately ... well did know immediately but wanted to see if I could pull it off ... was working on the wrong number of stitches.

Still need to complete the baby gifts ... one for a boy (didn't start yet) two for a girl, started one ... have the baby sweater / jacket ready for the other girl gift needed.

So wishing you all frog free projects & restful sleep :)

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