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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Things I Love Thursday

I've been reading a few blogs (yes I do read other's blogs ... it's a very fun thing to do!) And I've been "resisting" getting on board with this "Things I Love" Thursdays. Every Thursday they write about something they love & they let you know if they purchased the item or were given it to review.

I don't know about you but I wouldn't mind being given things to use & then review but I have no idea where to sign up for something like that so if I tell you I love something it's because I bought it or it was a gift. In the unlikely event that I ever am given something to "review" I would make sure you were fully aware of that before you ever got to see my opinion of the item.

Okay So it's Thursday & I have several items that I "Love" but today I will brag on Clover Locking Stitch Markers. I prefer the small ones. They also come in a "jumbo" size but I haven't found a need for those so far. Here's the beauty of them ... I'm working with a textured yarn & the stitches can be hard to recognize when I'm at the end of my row ~ simple solution place a locking stitch marker in that stitch as soon as I work it so when I come back to it I don't have to wonder if I missed it or found it. I actually use them on most projects just out of habit now so that I don't mindlessly increase or decrease as I work. When not in use the markers must be left open so that they don't remain closed on you. I've given more of these little stitch savers away to the point where I needed to replace my own supply. Knitters could use them by closing the marker & placing it on the needle where needed but to be honest I think they work best when placed in an actual stitch. Knitters may find that it isn't as easy to use as a solid ring stitch marker if they need to keep unlocking for storage. That being said I would highly recommend these stitch markers for easy use & quality of product.

Now I was reading Jill's blog ... The Diaper Diaries and she had a "Mr Magic Linkey" thing so I did sign up for that to link to her blog but I don't know if it worked or not. In the event it did not I'm putting her url here ... go ck it out she has a give away right now & you have to leave a comment in order to be in the drawing to win it... Yes I'm leaving a comment as I want to win it!!! So good luck & hope you have lots of cool things in your life that you just "love"!


ps ~ my floor is almost clear!!!!
Wishing you frog free projects & a wonderful day.


  1. I remember when I used to crochet and some of the yarn was very hard for me to see and this sounds great.

  2. Wow a fellow Crocheter! How cool :) Thanks for the info about the stitch markers. I am always wondering if they are worth it. Right now I usually use safety pins. Glad you joined in the carnival!

  3. I am so glad you participated. I have no idea about knitting. I tried to learn, but just didn't catch on. Hope you participate again sometime :)
